Our company is a professional engaged in rolling mill, rolling equipment research and development, manufacturing, sales, after sale in one of the professional enterprises.Professional production: mill, hot rolled, cold rolled, steel equipment (Angle steel, steel, U steel, C payments, T V steel, steel, flat steel, flat steel, etc.) of PI, bar production line (round steel, rebar), before trough steel (slot), six Angle steel, pipe pile end plate, silicon steel sheet, silicon steel sheet, aluminum rolling machine, aluminum plate rolling mill rolling mill equipment, etc.Auxiliary machines for rolling mill: roller table, lifting table, cold bed (automatic bar cold bed, shaped steel cold bed), hot saw machine, steel pushing machine, straightening machine, flying shear and waste rebar steel reform equipment and medium frequency melting furnace, medium frequency and high frequency heating equipment, available for users to choose.The pursuit of superior quality and customer satisfaction is the highest goal of "Shenlong people", the company adheres to the attitude of integrity, professional technology, pragmatic style and win-win purpose, and the vast number of new and old customers hand in hand to create brilliant.